Command Explainations
- cd is used to change the current directory to the root folder. By default your terminal will take you to your home directory. You can also utilize cd to move around files. If you wanted to navigate a specific folder, you’d use the command ‘cd ~/
’. If you unsure of your directories you can use the command ‘ls’ - which will list of all your files in the directory. Lastly, you can always command ‘cd ~’ to take you back to the home directory. Cd ~ takes you back to the home directory Cd ~ …. Takes you to that specific folder Cd - navigates previous directory Ls ~ list all file names Mkdir
-mkdir is used to create new directories (more than one directory can be specified). You can also create a parent directory with subdirectories Mkdir [directory name] … create new in the current directory Mkdir ~/[directory name] … create new directory in home directory Mkdir -p … create parent directories with multiple directories nested within
- cp is used to copy files and directories.
Cp -a … archive files
Cp -f … force copy by removing the destination file if needed
Cp -r … copy an entire directory
Cp -i … prompts you before overwriting the file
- Pwd is used to print the current working directory. It will print the full system path
- mv is used to move one or more files/directories from one place to another
<folder/directory> .. moves the file. Mv .a … renames a file. Rm
- rm is used to remove or delete directories, subdirectories, and all the files it contains. Data within the files is not destroyed, however the file is no longer accessible.
Rm /home/…/… deletes the file by the pathname
Rm ./
… deletes the file if it is in your current working directory History
- History allows you to edit, recall, rerun previous commands
History ..
Home Directory
- the home directory is the default when opening the terminal
Cd ~ .. takes you to the home directory
File Paths
- File paths are utilized for navigational purposes. To view files listed in a folder or a folder listed in another can be located by /. If ever unsure of a file’s path, you can use the command ‘realpath
’ Tab Key
- Using the tab key to complete file paths allows you locate your commands quickly and will auto-fill or provide suggestions to you.
Git Command Line Resouces
- This video is a youtube tutorial for git beginners and understanding the fundamentals of the command line (
- Below is an image that outlines the basic command lines and how they should be written .. source of immage: