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A brief introduction and tutorial on Git, GitHub, and Terminal

How to set up Git

To set up Git you’ll need to do the following

  1. Download, install, and configure Git on your computer
    • Download Git
      Click on the desired operating system download

    • Set up git with your user name and email. Open Git Bash.– for windows, type git bash on search

      Set a Git username:
      In the git bash terminal enter the below command

      >$ git config " youremail"  
      >$ git config --global "Yourusername"  

      Confirm that you have set the Git username correctly:
      enter command:
      >$ git config –global


      Your terminal should look like

  2. Get a GitHub Account Sign up at GitHub

  3. Set up authentication between GitHub and Git

    Creating SSH keys provide access to a Git repository in Github without explicit login.
    To set up SSH authentication follow be below guide

You are all set!